In 1938, during the Spanish Civil War, normal communications between the Balearic Islands and the Spanish mainland were disrupted by Nationalist warships. The Republicans maintained a mail service by submarine and produced a set of six stamps and one souvenir sheet (Scott #605A-605F, 605G). Only 7,526 sets and 7,385 souvenir sheets were issued, and Scott '10
prices the unused set and souvenir
sheet at $ 660.- ($ 800.- for NH) and $ 600.- ($775.- for NH), respectively.

This issue has been overlooked in the U.S. because until recently, it was only noted by Scott. I strongly recommend both the set and souvenir sheet, as they are attractive ship topicals with minuscule printings, from a country with a healthy economy and an active and growing stamp collecting population.
I strongly favor all scarce and undervalued issues of Spain and its colonies. The nation has 46 million people, the 9th largest economy in the world, and the most rapidly aging population in Europe. Philately will continue to flourish under such conditions.
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